


weddings & family




Captured on an 8 EUR disposable

The last time I travelled to Barcelona, my camera died.

I bought this 8 EUR suspicious looking disposable and this is what came out.

I love Barcelona. I love the ever present Gaudí, walking through Gràcia, sipping ​on sangrias and nibbling pinxos. I love cold beers on Barcelonetta beach, the ​markets at La Boqueria and flea markets Del Raval, the gallery shop at MACBA ​and the sound of skateboard trucks grinding just outside it. I love stumbling ​upon little live music nights at El Poble Sec. I love the views from Park Güell.

Barcelona gives me, like all the great ​places, that feeling of “Oh, I could live ​here.” I could easily live there. It might ​be naive and romantic and only true ​because I’ve never actually lived there, ​but I love that feeling. It’s how I know ​I’ve fallen in love.

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